Monday, July 28, 2008


Some things are just plain hard to find in second life. A good simple kimono for men for a decent price is one example.

I found this one on SLExchange here for 200L and recommend the item highly.

The hat is here for 150L bringing the total to 350. Very reasonable.

As an aside, the Vegas trip did NOT go as planed. Big suprise.

Monday, July 21, 2008

sorry guys.

Today's post will be postponed, probably until next week.

Blogger is on vacation to Vegas. :)

Wish me luck, if all goes well I"ll be able to actually pay my models more than just the clothing. :D

Friday, July 4, 2008

and now something a bit less formal.

This is Tanek Otherbide in an outfit from the men's seciton of Bare Rose called "Black spot Boy" this comes in 11 colors with the goggles. This is meant, I assume, as a skiing outfit, but I Feel it'd look good if you were on a crotch rocket or racing motorcycle.

all 11 colors can be had for L

See? I'm not just about formal suits on furs.. :D

I am, as a matter of fact looking for more male human models on SL for use in this blog. I can only pay in clothing, but if you're intrested please drop me a line in game.