Sunday, August 24, 2008

throw them to the lion!

Something a bit more artistically rendered for y'all today.

I collect armor and weaponry in Second Life. A lot of people don't realize that Bare rose is a wonderful place to get really cheap but nice armor. This is "viking" it comes in multiple colors, as usual. But this one also comes with the shield, two swords, and the necklace for the usual low costs. Defiantly check this one out, it's neat.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Rember when I said that kmonos were hard to find? Seems like I fibbed a bit.
This is my friend, Alexiel Constaine sporting a nice ceremonial number that I found here for 400L

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Crash! Boom! Pow! Ouch!

Like any good Super Hero, it's hard to keep a bunny down. I may "Die" but I'll come back, better than ever.

My computer died on me, but I've got a new one that's a lot better. The analogy I'm using is "It's like driving an old battered beat up VW bug and then buying a Nissan Miada. the Miada may not be a Porshe, but compared to what I was "Driving" it may as well be one.

So to celebrate I bought this outfit from Bare Rose. Comes in about 6 different colors and is the usal Bare Rose quality and price. 140L. There's also a female version if you want to get your super heroine on.
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Saturday, August 2, 2008

I'm sorry to have to announce this..

But my blog is on indefinate hiatus due to catastrophic equipment failure. Until such a time that I am able to get a computer that is able to log onto second life, I'm afraid this little experiement is goign to have to wait.

I'm very sorry, I wish it was not this way but it is. Here's to hoping that I can find a replacement soon.

Monday, July 28, 2008


Some things are just plain hard to find in second life. A good simple kimono for men for a decent price is one example.

I found this one on SLExchange here for 200L and recommend the item highly.

The hat is here for 150L bringing the total to 350. Very reasonable.

As an aside, the Vegas trip did NOT go as planed. Big suprise.

Monday, July 21, 2008

sorry guys.

Today's post will be postponed, probably until next week.

Blogger is on vacation to Vegas. :)

Wish me luck, if all goes well I"ll be able to actually pay my models more than just the clothing. :D

Friday, July 4, 2008

and now something a bit less formal.

This is Tanek Otherbide in an outfit from the men's seciton of Bare Rose called "Black spot Boy" this comes in 11 colors with the goggles. This is meant, I assume, as a skiing outfit, but I Feel it'd look good if you were on a crotch rocket or racing motorcycle.

all 11 colors can be had for L

See? I'm not just about formal suits on furs.. :D

I am, as a matter of fact looking for more male human models on SL for use in this blog. I can only pay in clothing, but if you're intrested please drop me a line in game.

Monday, June 30, 2008


My friend Celesto wearing a little number called "President" from Bare Rose Tokyo.

A LOT Of people know Bare rose as a wonderful place for woman's clothing. What's not as well known is that they have an extensive collection of men's clothing and often add more.

There's nothing in the sim that will set you back over 300L or so and everything comes in multiple colors as well as usually with prim accessories.

I've been shopping there for many years and hope to shop there more.

Hello and welcome.

HEllo and welcome everyone to a crazy little idea that came into my mind because of a comment on what people wanted to see in SL on the SL exchange forums.

Namely someone said they wanted to see a fashion blog for the men of SL.

So I got myself a little team together and hopefully we're going to do this thing.

The first post here is myself, Angelus Nielson, in a tuxedo I picked up from SL Exchange. It's only 400L and was very much worth it for the price. IT can be found Here.

And the SLURL for the place I got the hat is here.

there's some wonderful masks here but as a fur it's hard for me to wear them. :D

If you have any ideas to help me out feel free to IM me in game. I'm Angelus Nielson